Wednesday, October 31, 2012

4 Figures!

According to our hit counter at the bottom of the page, there has been 1000 unique page views to our blog site.  Perhaps the article in the local newspaper helped as well -- a reporter from the Minnedosa Tribune stopped by to do an interview and take some pictures of the students at work.  The coverage was helpful, I was also able to "plug" the sponsors of our project.  The least we can do to acknowledge their support!
Yesterday was another Cafe meeting, and the three students set about working on the fork internals, the rearsets, and rear fender.

Unfortunately we were lacking the correct drill bit size to do the "Minton Modification" to the damper rod assembly.  We did notice, however, that it appears Yamaha did upgrade the forks from 1976 to 1981 -- our later model forks already had some additional damping orifices added.  We still need to drill 2 holes in each rod -- Mr. Sheppard will bring one of his 1/16 drill bits from home.

The rearsets (footpegs) seem to be good quality and fairly sturdy.  However they came with no installation instructions, so I left it to the students to figure it out on their own.

In the end, the kids got them fitted, and while the final adjustments are still to come, the transmission works (we rotated the countershaft sprocket by hand while going up and down through the gears), and the rear drum brake operates properly.

Left hand side (shifter side) installed.

Mr. Sheppard plans to make another trip to Rolla, ND, to pick up some more parts for the project, as well as an ultrasonic cleaner to finish off the fuel petcock rebuild.

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